More than forty-five years of personalized local experience in the Hudson Valley & Capital Region
A Realtor’s job is to get you where you want to be. To discover what you’re looking for and then guide you to the best possible solution.
At ANDERSON Agency our knowledgeable and thoughtful agents have been helping clients find the homes they want for over forty-five years. Our market insights are extensive because our history here in the Hudson Valley and Capital Region runs deep. We strive to tailor the process to your needs and work diligently for you. Our team approach means that you’ll get the expertise and marketing wisdom of not just one of us but all of us.
It’s your home. It’s your future. Trust our experience to get you there.
Come in and get to know us at our office in the Village of Kinderhook.

2 Broad Street
Kinderhook NY 12106
T: 518.758.6340
F: 518.758.6396